Breakthrough your pattern
BackYour inner motivations determine the ideal image you strive for 24/7. The longing to be in your comfort zone all the time makes you focus, on an unconscious level, on what you want to avoid as well. As a consequence you are setting yourself up for problems. In order to breakthrough this unconscious pattern you must have insight in the limited beliefs that come with your inner motivation. V-circle coaching provides you that insight.
Limited beliefs: an example
When your ideal image is to always make a difference in the life of others, you are constantly focused on the needs of other people in your environment. You want to be needed, but you hate it to be needy.
By scanning 24/7 what the other people need in your environment and resolve their deficits you will get tired. But, you suppress that feeling on and on when you want to remain in your comfort zone of being needed. When you overdo this long enough you will end up being exhausted, and very needy as a consequence. Exactly what you wanted to avoid in the first place.
Cost-benefit analysis
There's a serious chance you do not recognize the previous example. Most probably you will have different inner motivations with it's own set of limited beliefs. But, when your ideal image is to contribute 24/7 to others the example does makes sense.
When you constantly efface yourself, so you can be there for others (benefit), you will get exhausted (cost) and you are less capable of being there for others (cost).
The cost-benefit analysis is a first step towards a different choice. A conscious choice. To choose for an adjusted belief instead of a limited belief. The adjusted belief for this example is: also when you acknowledge your own needs, you can be meaningful to others. Applying the adjusted belief in practice means you breakthrough an unconscious pattern.
Want to know more?
"The five principles of effective coaching" thoroughly explain principles such as "the complaint is not the problem". Also the nine different V-circle types are clearly described with great examples from daily practice. An extensive description of these nine types can be found in "De beste versie van jezelf" (in Dutch). "De opbrandfactor" (in Dutch) elaborates on how, on an unconscious level, we contribute to our own burn-out, and how you can reverse this process with knowledge of your inner motivations.